Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Follow the Plan Genesis 6:9-22

Follow the Plan

Genesis 6:9-22

"So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it…"
(GENESIS 6:14-15)

God gave Noah exact dimensions for the ark - measurements so precise that readers are often tempted to skip these seemingly boring details. Yet, each number was critical to the ark's ability to survive the massive flood that was to come. After the water receded, humanity once again flourished thanks to the Master Builder's plan and Noah's obedience.

Building something of lasting value requires not just reading good blueprints, but following them, too. No one would buy a house whose builder forgot to put in a door or placed the bathtub in the middle of the kitchen.

If we want to use our lives to build something of eternal value, we need to start with the right blueprints: God's Word. However, it is not enough for us to just read the Bible. We must obey it. God has enabled us to withstand the rising floodwaters of sin by giving us saving grace through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the "ark" in which we all can hide, and we are confident that when we pass through the waters, He will be there (Isaiah 43:2).

WHAT COMMAND IN GOD'S WORD ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO OBEY? Determine to obey what He says today without further hesitation.

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