Friday, July 24, 2009

How to be a Creative Teacher (like JESUS) - Principle #2

We already mentioned one principle from Jesus:
* Principle #1 - Jesus invited others to talk

Today we will look at another principle from Jesus:

Principle #2 - Jesus' Teaching Connected with Life

Jesus’ parables, “earthly stories with heavenly meaning,” made spiritual truth clear by relating it to the everyday experiences of life. “The kingdom of God . . . is like a mustard seed” (Luke 13:19). People could relate to the stories because they were drawn from real life. He used a coin to teach about taxes (Mark 12:16-17). He used the stones of magnificent buildings to explain the intensity of the end of the age (Mark 13:1-4).

The greatest engagement is to be actively involved in life. Involve rather than inform. Suppose you had climbed a mountain and wanted to convey to your students the exhilaration of reaching the top and the relief at discovering that the grueling work was really worth the effort. Would it be better to tell them about your climb or take them to the top of the mountain with you? Taking them to the top would take more time than saying: “The results are worth the climb.” But which would impact their lives more deeply? It’s the same with Bible study: the more youth do for themselves, the more meaningful their learning becomes.

Jesus taught by first being an example, and then by encouraging others to follow his example. He served by washing His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-7). He emphasized baptism by being baptized (Mt 3:13-17). He sent the disciples out in pairs to proclaim the kingdom of God. (Lk 10:1-12) He challenged His followers to share His gospel with the world (Mt 28: 18-20).

When spiritual truths connect with real life, lives are changed and we are a little closer to teaching as Jesus taught.

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