Friday, September 25, 2009

What is a Bro. Eddie vote? (First Part of a Series)


There may not be enough money in the world to buy enough airtime and advertising to counter the lies and deception that a vote for righteousness is not going to win even for second try. But this is not a reason to quit.

And since those other candidates possess overflowing logistics support and charisma in aid of winning the presidential race, it is not far from happening that some previous supporters of purpose-driven candidacy of Bangon Pilipinas standard bearer Bro. Eddie Villanueva may decide to throw away their confidence and rather jump or climb on the bandwagon, joining another camp only because it is popular. Moreover, those who opposed him last 2004 elections may be on the loose again to discredit him.

With this scenario, the battle is not just a replica of David and Goliath but David and Goliaths. There are so many giants to fight against if Bro. Eddie must finally win. The irony is that, harsh opposition also comes from separatist-brothers in the faith.

The resistance from outside of the flock is understandable, yet there might be a sudden change of mind and that will be a big surprise. But this spirit of scorn and contempt coming from churches is saddening. And therefore requires attention.

Why should every genuine Christian and nation-loving Filipino vote and campaign for Bro. Eddie Villanueva? Here is one reason.

A vote for Bro. Eddie is a vote in favour of righteousness.

The Philippines, known as the only Christian nation in the far east of Asia, failed to live up to its name. The people go to church while the nation slowly goes down to its lowest moral state. Today, it is adjudged second most corrupt country in the world. What a negative reverse from being second to Japan in terms of economic prosperity in 1972! Onwards until now, the nation suffered spiral downturn and deterioration because of ingrained graft and corruption and insatiable greed for power, from the highest officials of the land down to the lowest. Its rotten fruits are so sticky they cleave to the branches no matter how strong the wind shakes the whole tree.

This pitiable condition caused millions of Filipinos – professionals, domestic helpers, caregivers and skilled workers alike – to seek jobs abroad – almost being ejected from own country as thousands leave each day. Scattered to different parts of the world, battling homesickness, these kababayans are working hard like slaves to be able to send money and help their families survive at least.

The country is in turmoil; left and right are protest rallies, injustices abound, killings and other horrible crimes became so ordinary, institutional thievery of highest kind is committed without guilt or shame, social unrest is felt in the entire land, poverty level is almost at the bottom, and the list goes on. Evidently, the Philippines is at the brim of corruption awaiting divine judgment because it closed its eyes to the rule of justice, mercy, and faith.

Why is righteousness needed in this sad plight? God’s Word gives profound answers. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2). “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)

This 2010 Election offers hope because it has one candidate among several who is not just an alternative, and neither a lesser evil. He fits the need. He courageously responds to the challenge of dark times in the Philippines. He has a clear grasp of what it means “to act justly... to love mercy... to walk humbly with ... God.” (Micah 6:8)

Critics say he should not enter politics because he might be corrupted by the system. But that is too presumptive. Before anybody assumes he will be eaten up by the corrupt system, remember the work of salt or light that preserves and illuminates. This country needs to see the path towards light and be preserved from further judgment. We need a leader who will lead us there.

Civil servants or politicians are in the first place ought to be good citizens of their country, able to raise the moral standard of the people and their living conditions. But many of them presently holding office or aspiring to get into higher one have disappointed people’s hope. Come on, the Filipinos are like orphans badly in need of real guardians. Don’t take chances again just like what was done in the past. Filipinos now have a better candidate right before their very eyes.

And Christians, or those who believe it is a Christian act to genuinely care for the needy and oppressed, for the marginalized in the society, are faced with the decision to vote for and rally behind the cause of righteousness.

The church is still the most powerful transformation agent and that needs to be pointed out. It is never true that church and state are separate. If that were true, this country could have moved forward even long ago.. Have you not known, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12)? But the state had made money its god. It’s time to bring back God in the State through a righteous leader.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Rightoues LEADER for Philippines!

i am for a rightoues governance, i am for bro eddie... vote for bro eddie!!!

A Debate?!?! Better, a no non sense TALK!!!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Butterfly, Botanist, or Bee?

Butterfly, Botanist, or Bee?

Contemplating life, a wise teacher gazed at a beautiful garden.

As he breathed in the wonderful fragrances and beheld the beauty of the garden, he saw a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. It spent a few seconds on the edge of a rose, then a daisy, and then a sunflower. The garden was a rainbow of fragrance and color, but the butterfly gained no particular benefit from any of the flowers there.

Next the teacher saw a botanist with a large notebook and an equally large magnifying glass in his hand. As the botanist carefully observed each flower, he filled a great number of pages with his notes. But after hours of meticulous study, most of what he learned was shut up in his notebook and forgotten.

Then the wise teacher observed a small bee. The bee enthusiastically entered a flower, was gone from view for a brief moment, and then emerged laden with pollen. It had left the hive that morning empty, but would return full, and in doing so would share his abundance. With that pollen, sweet honey would be made to sustain, not only himself, but the entire hive for the future.

The wise teacher pondered.

Some people are like butterflies, going from teacher to teacher, seminar to seminar, book to book. They are so very busy, and expend so much energy, but have little to show for their efforts. They remain unchanged in any significant way because they never really delve into things wholeheartedly. They're content to simply flutter around the edges.

Others, like the botanist, may study in great depth but never apply what is learnt to their lives. Content to study, they know much, but receive little benefit. Striving for knowledge alone, they are unaffected by the knowledge they gain.

Our lives would be very different if we could only learn from the bee -- visiting each flower with purpose and passion. To whole-heartedly dive in -- to lose ourselves, to go into every opportunity with an open mind, determined to emerge fuller than when we began, to do more than simply flutter, to do more that simply take notes, but to take action. To joyfully give of our abundance so that others can make something sweeter, something that will sustain not only ourselves, but bless others as well.

How would the wise teacher see your life?
As butterfly, a botanist, or a bee?

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
- James 1:22-25

Copyright 2003 by Ken Sapp
Based on a story by H.P. Barker (Original Source Unknown)